Begonia Maculata or Polka-Dot Begonia is a really popular house plant nowadays. You can also find it under names like Clow, Spotted or Wightii. It is original from the tropical forests of Brazil and it is a wonderful addition to your house plant family.
This type of begonia does not like wet conditions (this is because of its thick stems which hold a bit of water) so make sure not to over-water. Also, because it is a tropical plant, humidity is a really important factor. If you have a window in the bathroom, you can place it there.
Its blooming season is from spring to fall. During that time, the plant produces clusters of white flowers with yellow centers.
It is really easy to propagate - just cut some stems from the mother plant and put them in water until roots are starting to form and then transfer to a pot. You can also plant the cuttings directly in the soil.
It is really toxic to pets and people if ingested so make sure your lovely pets cannot reach it.
High-humidity and over-watering can cause root rot, bacterial leaf spot, and powdery mildew. Some other pests that can attack your planty are mealybugs and whiteflies.

Begonia Maculata is said to be a really easy plant to take care of. However, it needs certain conditions in terms of environment, watering, and potting. If you can make sure it gets all it needs, your begonia will thrive.
Below you can find some tips on how to care for your begonia maculata:

Soil - which soil type is the best?
Begonia Maculata loves well-draining soil which does not become too soggy. You can use a mix of a light commercial soil mix with some addition of perlite and wood chips. I personally have it in plant soil without any additions and it is growing really well.
Watering - how often should I do it?
These planties like the soil to be moist and not too dry. As an indication, you can check if the top of the soil is dry. If so, then you can water it.
! Make sure the soil is not too moist when watering as the plant could develop root rot.
Light - where to place my cute polka-dot begonia?
Begonia Maculata likes bright spots, away from the direct sunlight. Best is bright filtered light. It could also tolerate low light but it will not be too happy. How can you know if your plant is getting enough light? The leaves are your best friend here! If they lose color, then turn yellow and shed, it means your plant needs a brighter spot. Try out different places around the house at the beginning and see what works.
Humidity - how can I imitate the rainforest environment?
If your maculata experiences unexplained leaf loss and does not flower, then you need to increase the humidity. You could put it together with other plants that need humidity and use water trays to raise humidity. You could also use a humidifier or try to place it in the bathroom if you have a window. Try to have around 45% humidity. The higher, the better. Humidity is really important in winter when indoor heating is being used.
Do you lovelies have this cute begonia? Any care tips you would like to share from your experience? 🥰
With love,
The Green Kitchen Witch